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New changes to the Amendments to the Explosives Regulations

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  • By Jenna Poirier
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New changes to the Amendments to the Explosives Regulations

New changes to the Amendments to the Explosives Regulations, starting May 22, 2024.

New changes to the Amendments to the Explosives Regulations, starting May 22, 2024.
The first set of amendments stem from a recent Regulatory Review of the Explosives Regulations, 2013 and focus on enhancing the safety of Canada’s explosives sector and improving efficiency. Other than enhancing current safety provisions, amendments would focus on removing unnecessary administrative burden, clarifying intent, and reducing discrepancy with other government departments and modern industry practices where appropriate.
The second set of regulatory amendments also stem from the recent Regulatory Review and aim to enhance efficiencies through renewal of the current licensing and fee regime.
A brief run down of changes taking affect May 22,2024:
- All purchases of black or smokeless powder require one of the following PAL, FOC or PAIN.
The document number must be recorded with all purchases.
- Other forms of government identification (ex. Passport or Driver's Licence) are no longer permitted.
- A Buyer may not purchase more than 25 kg of black powder unless they hold an explosives licence. The licence number must be recorded with all purchases.
- A black powder seller must have a licence if they store more than 25 kg. This has been reduced from 75 kg.
- Black powder must be sold in containers that do not exceed 500 g.
- To purchase reactive targets (Type S.2), a buyer must provide proof that they possess a PAL. The PAL number must be recorded with all purchases.
- A buyer may not buy more than 6 kg of type S.2 reactive targets unless they hold an explosive licence. This has been reduced from 20 kg.
For more information please visit:


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